balinese gamelan and dance workshop at ubud
m make-up a student from Canada

This time mayumi inouye ( m )’s students from Yayasan Widya Guna became teachers. They taught the basic movements of Balinese dance to the students from Canada in their one week visit in Bali. They came to Bali to learn Balinese arts and culture.

For the Balinese children of Widya Guna It seemed that it was not too difficult for them to communicate to foreign students. Most of them could speak English because they learned it directly from native volunteer English teacher at the foundation.

balinese gamelan and dance workshop at ubud
kadek ferry ( f ) teaching about gamelan

In this workshop the students from Canada were not only learn Balinese dance but they also learned how to play Balinese gamelan. After a few rehearsals finally they performed simple performances of the Rejang and Gabor Dance that were accompanied by the children of Widya Guna Foundation in gamelan semara pegulingan.

balinese gamelan and dance workshop at ubud
Students from Canada performed Balinese Dance with Balinese children

This was a great experience for m’s students and for the students from Canada. We do hope this would become a good memory.


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