Legong Dewi Sri, Performance at Bebek Tepi Sawah, Legong Lasem

Legong Lasem Dewi Sri – Nov 2nd, 2014

Well, after all this time performing routine in Dewi Sri group, this is the first time that mayumi inouye ( m ) had the chance to take a picture together with her dancing partners.

For a memory, this picture was taken after the show on November 2nd, 2014 at Bebek Tepi Sawah Open Stage, Teges Peliatan.

Thank you Ibu Nyoman and Ibu Murni!

Legong Rangkesari – Ni Nyoman Sulasih
Legong Lasem – Ni Wayan Murni
Condong and Garuda – mayumi inouye ( m )