Girls Gamelan Group in Peliatan village, Ubud, Bali.

We are Sanggar Tunas Maragawi, a Balinese Dance Group.
The members are the girls on the age of elementary (SD) and junior high school (SMP) from Banjar Kalah, Peliatan.

please also read the founding of this girls gamelan group!

We are dancers, but this year we started to learn playing gamelan.
After some time of rehearsing although we were still in a basic skill we did a performance at the temple.

This is the video of our debut gamelan performance accompanying a ritual Pendet dance in our community temple on April 2014. Thanks to Mr. Ekok for the video!

The Pendet dancers are our moms and grandmas. We were so happy.
Love it! Matur Suksma!


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Tunas Maragawi Br.Kalah Peliatan