Some days ago children from the Spring Ubud visited Balerung Stage at Peliatan village. Balerung Stage was a studio where f joined as a gamelan player. Here the Spring children learned about Balinese culture especially Balinese dance and gamelan.

study balinese Gamelan - Balerung Stage Peliatan.
The Spring children enjoy playing Balinese Gamelan

For their first time, the children were introduced to Balinese gamelan instruments. They seemed so joyful playing this gamelan directly with a simple basic technique.

In addition to playing gamelan, they loved to listen stories. Here f told them a story of Barong Landung, a folk tale about culture acculturation of Bali and China. There was a pair of Barong Landung in Balerung Stage. They were husband and wife. The man was the manifestation symbol of King Jaya Pangus and the women was the manifestation symbol of a Chinese merchant’s daughter named Kang Ching Wie.

Barong Landung - Balerung Stage Peliatan.
listening the story of Barong Landung

During the story telling, the children were listening seriously and also active asking. A cute little child asked f a simple question. “Pak Kadek Ferry, who brought them here? And why are they here now?” Hahaha,, it seemed that f lost all his words to answer.

In addition there were also other types of Barong which were introduced to the children. Such as Barong Ket and Barong Brutuk. The Barong Brutuk was made of dry banana leaves and the head was made of coconut. In Balinese language dry banana leaves is kraras. So this Barong is also called Barong Kraras.

Barong Brutuk,Barong Kraras - Balerung Stage Peliatan. Barong Ket - Balerung Stage Peliatan.
left: Barong Brutuk or Barong Kraras / right: Barong Ket

Barong Ket. Hahaha,, this boy was very interested in this Barong. He didn’t want to come out of the Barong. He wanted to dance. But it was very heavy.

Barong Ket usually danced by adults. Weighing up to 30 kg. Wow, can you imagine dancing on this heavy weight?

Barong - Balerung Stage Peliatan.
“Helloo, may I join in?”

We thank to Gungde Oka Dalem – Balerung Stage, of a good chance that given to the Spring children to learn Balinese culture.

Matur Suksma!
Thank you!


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