![The Power of Kebyar by Genta Bhuana Sari Peliatan](https://balitaksu.xyz/waroeng/e/2010/20100816-gbs-charter1.jpg)
The Power of Kebyar by Genta Bhuana Sari
Photo Doc. f studio 2010
This time on an event at the Balerung stage the Genta Bhuana Sari group performed a special performance.
“The Power of Kebyar by Genta Bhuana Sari”.
![The Power of Kebyar by Genta Bhuana Sari Peliatan](https://balitaksu.xyz/waroeng/e/2010/20100816-gbs-charter3.jpg)
The Power of Kebyar by Genta Bhuana Sari
Photo Doc. f studio 2010
This was a special performance of classical dance and gamelan in Kebyar style.
Kapiraja (Instrumental)
Oleg Tambulilingan by dancers – Gusti Ayu Raka and Oka Dalem
Kebyar Susun (Instrumental)
Kebyar Duduk by dancer – Agung Bagus Mandera
The Kebyar Duduk dance was accompanied by Genta Bhuana Sari in gamelan accompaniment version of Gunung Sari group 1950s.
![The Power of Kebyar by Genta Bhuana Sari Peliatan](https://balitaksu.xyz/waroeng/e/2010/20100816-gbs-charter2.jpg)
The Power of Kebyar by Genta Bhuana Sari
Photo Doc. f studio 2010