Odalan Pura Catur Bhuana Br. Kalah Peliatan, Ubud.
Saturday, 20 JUNE 2015 (Tumpek Uduh).

Praying together

Tunas Maragawi play gamelan Instrumentals (Lelambatan)

This time Tunas Maragawi group performing dance and gamelan. All gamelan players had been dressed up in Rejang Dewa costume, because some of them who were from primary school age would dance dancing the sacred dance, Rejang Dewa. So when they perform the gamelan, it would not difficult to change the costume. Just release their head dresses and added a bit of hair ornaments.

kadek ferry ( f ) and mayumi inouye ( m ) were also wear white and yellow colored costumes like the students.

f , foto by JUBE

m , foto by JUBE

The Rejang Dewa Dance was accompanied by children male gamelan group of Banjar Kalah.

Natab, a ritual before dancing the Rejang Dewa Dance (sacred dance)

Rejang Dewa

20 Jun 2015Saturday
Wariga Saniscara Kliwon : Odalan 
Pura Catur Bhuana
Lelambatan  Seka Gong Alit-Alit Istri Tunas Maragawi Br.Kalah

Pura Catur Bhuana
Rejang  Seka Gong Ali-Alit Gurnita Sari
Sanggar Tunas Maragawi

Pura Catur Bhuana
Topeng  Seka Gong Gurnita Sari Br.Kalah

Pura Catur Bhuana
Lelambatan  Seka Gong Ali-Alit Gurnita Sari