Wayang Kulit
m (mayumi) – right

Wayang Kulit is one of the Balinese art performances that has an important function in Hindu religious ceremonies in Bali. Besides the religious function, Wayang Kulit performances also perform as an entertainment to the society.

As its progress, the Wayang Kulit continues to grow as the creativity of the artists and modify it in a new show.

This time mayumi inouye ( m ) got a chance to join in the Wayang performance the works of I Made Sidia, a shadow puppet master. This Wayang performance was called Wayang Listrik (electric shadow puppet), a new innovation in Wayang performance in Bali. The theme of this Wayang Listrik performance was the environmental damage. I Made Sidia had already performed this in some other countries.

At this performance m played as a Japanese translator. It was hard!

Wayang Kulit
Wayang Kulit

Thank you! Matur Suksma! How wonderful experience it was, and never been obtained before.

I Made Sidia S.SP was born in 1967, in Banjar Bona Kelod, Belah Batuh Gianyar, Bali. He is a shadow puppet master and also the leader of Sanggar Paripurna, Bona. In his artistic journey he collaborated with international artists and often performed in various countries. I Made Sidia is also known as famous theater Artistic Designer of the “BALI AGUNG.”