Peliatan is not only famous with its Legong. Its Kebyar is also well-known and has long history. The developments of kebyar style in Peliatan was started with the activities of Peliatan young men I Made Lebah, Agung Mandera and friends in ngelawang Barong Ardja. They combined Barong with the Ardja Opera in a simple musical accompaniment played throughout the village. With these works they also performed in other regencies, Klungkung and Buleleng. In Buleleng, north of Bali, they heard live for the first time Gamelan Gong Kebyar which was so alive and powerful, so they decided that someday they must have a group of Gamelan Gong Kebyar in Peliatan. Then in 1926 a gamelan group was formed, Peliatan Gamelan group “Gunung Sari”.

Sekaa Gunung Sari has a history of glorious achievements, starting from their first performance in Paris in 1931, Europe and America in 1952, Australia in 1971, Mexico in 1981, and back to USA in 1996, and to Europe in 1998. Those all became a landmark for next generations of dance and gamelan artists in Peliatan. In 1978 in the same place with Gunung Sari group, in Puri Kaleran, there were formed sekaa semara Pegulingan Tirta Sari, and the younger generation sekaa Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari in 1992.

Sekaa Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari that kadek ferry ( f ) joined learned some gamelan compositions from gamelan teachers who were also Gunung Sari’s leading musicians. They were I Wayan Gandera, Gusti Aji Pangkung, and Gusti Ketut, as well as from Tirta Sari’s leading musicians- I Wayan Wija and I Wayan Darya. Sekaa Gong Genta Bhuana Sari is still active today, and performs on a regular basis for a variety of event and preservation performances. Just few weeks ago they had performed classical kebyar dances and instrumental, collaborated with dance Maestro and old generation Peliatan dancers.

The Power of Kebyar
Performed Agustus 14th, 2013, by Genta Bhuana Sari Peliatan

Gamelan Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari
Sekaa Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari and all Peliatan dancers
Photo Doc. f studio 2013

Still in the same week after the previous performance “The Spirit of Peliatan Legong” have had performed, the next day it was performed the classical kebyar dances and instrumental “The Power of Kebyar” by Genta Bhuana Sari, a young group of gamelan gong kebyar from Peliatan.

Instrumental Kebyar Susun, the works of I Wayan Gandera in 1964 was performed as the opening of this performance “The Power of Kebyar.” I Wayan Gandera taught this instrumental to Genta Bhuana Sari group in the year 2000, as well as teaching some of his other kebyar compositions. They were instrumental Sekar Jepun (1968), Ujan Mas (1957), Sekar Jaya (1967), Gambang Suling (1962), Penarik Becak (1966), Brata Yuda (1963), and Fajar Menyingsing (1966).

The Power of Kebyar
I Wayan Gandera, co-Director of Gamelan Gunung Sari Peliatan
Photo Doc. I Made Sukanda (1980’s)

I Wayan Gandera, son of I Made Lebah was a legendary gamelan musician and also gamelan teacher. Like I Made Lebah, I Wayan Gandera along with the group Gunung Sari Peliatan received remarkable achievements on his great efforts for the Peliatan kebyar. As a kendang player together with his partner Anak Agung Raka Bawa they recalled the success of previous generation that in 1971 the group Gunung Sari Peliatan for almost 30 days toured performed in Australia. In this tour some of I Wayan Gandera’s gamelan compositions were performed such as Tabuh Sekar Jepun, Kapiraja, and Gambang Suling. I Wayan Gandera not only teaching gamelan in Bali, he also lectured Balinese music at UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) between 1962-1964.

After instrumental Kebyar Susun, a welcome dance Pendet was performed by the senior dancers of Peliatan. This Pendet dance was performed in complete version, the version that rarely staged.

Gamelan Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari
Pendet dancers: Sri Utari, Luh Man Sulasih, Desak Putu Widhi, Surya Djelantik, Gusti Ayu Raka
Photo Doc. f studio 2013

Gamelan Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari
Pendet dance gamelan by Sekaa Gong Genta Bhuana Sari Peliatan
Photo Doc. f studio 2013

Pendet dance adapted from a Balinese Hindu ritual dance Pependetan that developed into a welcome dance. Some dancers said that this dance was developed in the 1960s and often requested by President Soekarno to perform to welcoming guests in the President Palace of Tampaksiring. Pendet was also frequently performed in welcoming guests at Peliatan Palace and Puri Kaleran Peliatan.

The Power of Kebyar
Pendet dancers of Peliatan
Photo Doc. Bulantrisna Djelantik (1960’s)

The Power of Kebyar
A great appreciation from President Soekarno, Indonesia’s First President
to all dancers after the show at presidential palace of Tampaksiring
Photo Doc. Bulantrisna Djelantik (1960’s)

Group of gamelan gong kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari learned the Teruna Jaya accompaniment from some gamelan teachers in variety versions. For the Peliatan version the group learned from I Wayan Gandera, Gusti Ketut and Gusti Aji Pangkung, Buleleng version from Pak Keranca. In the performance of “The Power of Kebyar” it was staged the Peliatan version danced by Agung Raka Astuti, a senior Peliatan dancer and dance teacher at Balerung Peliatan.

Gamelan Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari Gamelan Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari
Teruna Jaya dance, by Anak Agung Raka Astuti
Photo Doc. f studio 2013

Gamelan Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari
I Nyoman Putra Lastana (Mang Dink)
a young talented Kendang player of Genta Bhuana Sari dancing with the Teruna Jaya dancer
Photo Doc. f studio 2013

The Kebyar Trompong was danced by a talented kebyar dancer, Anak Agung Oka Dalem. In Kebyar Trompong, the dancer joins the orchestra by playing and dancing a long instrument called the Terompong. This dance was created by I Ketut Mario from Tabanan in the 1920’s.

Gamelan Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari
Oka Dalem in Kebyar Terompong dance with gamelan Genta Bhuana Sari
Photo Doc. f studio 2013

Gamelan Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari
Oka Dalem in Kebyar Terompong dance with gamelan Genta Bhuana Sari
Photo Doc. f studio 2013

In this performance “The Power of Kebyar” the Oleg Tamulilingan (bumblebee dance) was danced by the Maestro Gusti Ayu Raka Rasmi with Oka Dalem. This dance was created by I Ketut Mario for the performance of Peliatan troupe Gunung Sari to Europe and America in 1952. In that time Gusti Ayu Raka was 12 years old danced with older I Sampih who was also a student of I Ketut Mario. In this tour performance Gusti Ayu Raka became a little star and created sensation anytime she performed.

Gamelan Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari
Gusti Ayu Raka Rasmi in Oleg Tamulilingan dance with Gamelan Genta Bhuana Sari Peliatan
Photo Doc. f studio 2013

Her great taksu (aura) keeps shining even though she is getting older. On her age of 74 she came back danced her Oleg Tamulilingan in “The Power of Kebyar.” Wow! Amazing!

Gamelan Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari Gamelan Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari
LEFT: Gusti Ayu Raka and her pupil Agung Rita
RIGHT: Agung Rita with Oka Dalem
Photo Doc. f studio 2013

Kebar Duduk dance was also performed by Gunung Sari group in their tour to Europe and America in 1952. It was danced by I Sampih. One great achievement of this tour that the Peliatan group was first to give an extensive international tour performing their kebyar and succeeded.

Gamelan Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari
Anak Agung Bagus in Kebyar Duduk dance
Photo Doc. f studio 2013

Gamelan Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari
I Wayan Juniarta (Ebit), an energetic Kendang player of Genta Bhuana Sari
dancing with the Kebyar Duduk dancer
Photo Doc. f studio 2013

On the evening performance of “The Power of Kebyar,” the Kebyar Duduk was performed as the last dance. The dancer was Anak Agung Gede Bagus Erawan with a classic fashion and his distinctive movements. The gamelan accompaniment was the Kebyar Duduk version of the Gunung Sari group which they performed in their Europe and America tour in 1952.

Genta Bhuana Sari group trained this accompaniment version since few years ago as a part of the Peliatan kebyar preservation.

Matur Suksma! Thank You!

how wonderful moment,,,
poses with the beautiful Gusti Ayu Raka Rasmi
the Maestro, Oleg Tamulilingan dance
Peliatan, August 14, 2013

Gamelan Gong Kebyar Genta Bhuana Sari
Gusti Ayu Raka Rasmi with f


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