The Sanggar Widya Guna had another chance to perform dance and gamelan at the Jaksan Temple at Bedulu, the village where this group was established.

Ngayah di Odalan (Karya Agung) 2012 Yayasan Widya Funa Foundation

Love and pride to see their performance. Performing the Gabor – welcome dance, Legong Lasem, and Legong Jobog. mayumi inouye ( m ) as the their teacher must also be happy that her students capable to performed these dances.

In addition to dance there is also a new gamelan instrumental that had trained and performed by the children here. It was the Pantun China, a classic and old gamelan composition of gamelan Semara Pegulingan Teges Kanginan Peliatan. The gamelan teacher Mr. Surama and Mr. Marda said that this composition was specially taught to them in order to preserve it, as now it’s becoming a rare performed instrumental. When I heard this composition, it was very beautiful and short duration 2-3minutes.

Kedepan semoga anak-anak ini semakin dan semakin semangat melatih diri demi hasil yang lebih baik, dan dapat menjadi pewaris karya-karya tari dan tabuh klasik, seperti harapan para gurunya.


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Post of Yayasan Widya Guna